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Factories Risks

*Substandard electrical installation such as overload, heating from bunched cables, or damaged cables.
*Incorrectly stored chemicals which could by mistake mix together and cause an exothermic chemical reaction.
*Air-conditioning units left on for long periods time in summer months becoming overheated and may lead to a fire.
* Charging units such as those used for forklift trucks may get heated and result in fire.
*Employees smoking inside factory discarding cigarettes carelessly.
*Misuse of naked flame e.g. candles, gas or liquid fuel open flame equipment.
*Vehicle exhausts.
*Maintenance contractors conducting hot work inside factories without observing safety measures.
* Cooking types of equipment, hot ducts, flues, and filters.
*Extract fans for dust and fume removing systems.
*Failure of temperature control thermostat on hot work processes.
*Heat sources such as gas.
* Electric, microwave, and thermal fluids.
*Steam pipes.
*Frictional generated heat from mechanical equipment.
*Static charge from mechanical equipment.

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