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Homes Risks

 1-Cooking is a major cause of fire… so:
*Never leave it unattended. 
*If deep frying use equipment with a thermostat. 
*Make sure all appliances are turned off after use.

*Never smoke in bed you could fall asleep.
*Use a proper ashtray.
*Never empty the ashtray into the rubbish bin before going to bed.

*Never leave them unattended
*Do not place them too close to curtains
*Ensure they are fully put before leaving the house or going to bed.

*Do not overload sockets. 
*Avoid buying uncertified/cheap electric goods. 
*Turn off appliances at night. 
*Call on electrician if fuses continually trip or electric wires look damaged. 

*You are four times more likely to die in a fire if you do not have a smoke alarm that works.
*Close doors at night to prevent smoke traveling through your home.

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