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Brig. Rashid Al Falasi : DCD Implements (Automated Smart Reply System)

2020 07 07 1NA

As part of its sustainable projects based on the initiative set for full automation all the services, without the intervention of human element, by using artificial intelligence applications, which have the ability to accommodate big size database, integration, and communication with all other electronic and smart systems,  which corresponding with optimal investment in human resources, main and supportive operations, satisfying our smart service’s needs,  and achieving interactive, accurate and sustainable governance of transactions and procedures.  

Dubai Civil Defence has completed its launched project titled (automated smart reply system), the current week will witness the implementation of project phase 1, which includes smart notification services by 100%, while other phases are scheduled to be implemented during the next weeks consecutively.

The newly implemented system serves main operations and a wide range of customers and employees integrates with (Internet of things) applications, achieves quick and rapid response, and contains a package of smart systems, programs, and applications.


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