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DCD Urges Safety Measures to be Observed During Maintenance Work

All maintenance companies operating in Dubai are urged by the Department of Dubai Civil Defence to observe preventive safety measures while doing hot works, cuttings and other operations involving open flame or produces smoke, as per Emirates Fire & Life safety Code of Practice stipulations. This statement comes as a comment to the report issued by Dubai Police on Nov. 8 2015,regarding fire accident took place in under construction building located near to ALFanar restaurant  & Café in Festival city center. According to the report,  fire was caused due to  exposure of roof’s  decoration materials to metal hot works.
“Contractors must conduct inspection for the buildings to undergo maintenance before starting the work, to ensure such sites have no  inflammable materials stored, and if available, is protected. Vents are anti heat and flame leakage. Suitable fire extinguishers, safety warden and staff who are well trained to use them must be available.”  Lt.Col Gamal Ahmed Ibrahim, Director of Preventive safety department has asserted.

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