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Gen. ALMatrooshi Delivers Work Paper titled (From Sand to NANO Firefighting) On Int'l Fire Operations Conference

2019 02 26 11NA

Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid AlMatrooshi, Director of Dubai Civil Defense, has delivered work paper, as a part of International Fire Operations Conference, themed (From Sand to NANO Technology), held in kingdom of Bahrain.

AlMatrooshi demonstrated in his paper the historical development process of Civil Defense services, mentioning most remarkable fire incident in the world, and the role of industrial revolution in the transformation witnessed by fire and rescue sector, in its different phases the witnessed the introduction of pumps and engines, then electronic and robots, followed by the efforts to apply accelerators and artificial intelligence. Our wise leadership considered latest artificial intelligence technologies one of its strategic method to reshaping the future.

He also addressed in his paper the sophisticated NANO Technology and how Dubai Civil Defense utilizes in fire suppression operations, especially in electronic socket fires.



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