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Gen. ALMatrooshi: More than 1m workers trained on safety requirements

2019 05 21 1NA

Gen. ALMatrooshi:

More than 1m workers trained on safety requirements

In line with Dubai Civil Defense launched strategy to upgrade community preventive awareness and train different of its sectors on the basic Safety requirements, taking the important role of the workers category in economic sector encompasses productive, marketing, storage and services branches, Dubai Civil Defense has set five years long training plan, based on scientific standards derived from the requirements needed by each and every facility,  factory and warehouse, plan implementation started on 2014.

Dubai Civil Defense managed between 2015 -2018 to train more than one million workers across different factories, commercial and services establishments, which helped to decrease the total number of fire incidents by 8%, because of the quick response by trained workers to the fires in initial stages, prior to arrival of fire squads.  The number of fire incidents where the public have directly involved in fighting is estimated at 239 incidents.

Hundreds thousands of workers been trained during implementing the plan, forms strong support for Dubai Civil Defense strategy aiming to prepare the members of the community to participate as strategic partners of Civil Defense in ensuring public safety.

Moreover, trained workers will have awareness added value among their respective families.

By training this number of workers, Dubai Civil Defense has achieved the sufficient number of trainees required in different economic sectors according to the strategy set to deal with fire incidents based on the analytical studies of necessary enablers and capabilities needed to respond to potential challenges.

In addition, Community awareness and training teams of Civil Protection department will continue in conducting their training courses that target the different sectors of the community, according to periodical statistical studies results of incidents locations and causes.

Worth mentioning that said awareness teams have conducted 1336 lectures and training sessions in 2018 only,  where 94520 people of different age groups were involved. 

Training such number of workers on basic of firefighting skills and on how to use fire equipment and on how to implement evacuation procedures during emergency is considered essential factor in instilling the social infrastructure of basic public safety.

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