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  • Q97. When can a concealed space between ceiling and roof or raised floors be used as air plenum?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A97.     A concealed space between the ceiling and floor above it, ceiling and roof, or raised floor and structural floor of a building may be used as a plenum provided that the concealed space contains only:

    i.    Mineral-insulated metal-sheathed cable,  
    ii.    Aluminum-sheathed cable,  
    iii.    Copper-sheathed cable,  iv.     Rigid metal conduit,  
    v.    Enclosed metal trunking,  
    vi.    Flexible metal conduit,  
    vii.    Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit in lengths not more than 2 m, or metal-clad cables; viii.     Communication cables for computers, television, telephone and intercommunication system;
    ix.    Fire protection installations;
    x.    Pipes of non-combustible material conveying non-flammable liquids

    Hits :  213
  • Q98. What is the fire rating of dampers to be installed in ducts penetrating fire walls?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A98.   Duct penetrations of fire walls should be avoided. Approved fire dampers shall be provided where air ducts penetrate or terminate at openings in walls or partitions required to have a fire resistance rating of 1 hour or more depending on the fire rating of the wall.

    Hits :  955
  • Q99. In which application a fire damper is not required?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A99.     A fire damper shall not be required for the following:

    1. Clothes Dryer Exhaust Ducts
    2. Hazardous Fume Exhaust Duct
    3. Stairwell Pressurization Ducts iv. Smoke Extraction Ducts
    4. Laundry and Trash Chutes
    Hits :  1104
  • Q100. What is the type of approved material to be used for the construction of ceiling plenum?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A100. Materials used in the construction of a ceiling plenum shall be noncombustible or shall be limited combustible having a flame spread index of not more than 25 and a maximum smoke developed index of 50.

    Hits :  473
  • Q101. In what situation does staircases serving the basement level need to be pressurized?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A101. All fire exit staircases that serve the basement floors shall also be pressurized if the same staircase shafts serving the upper floors are pressurized. Fire exit staircases that only serve the basement which have more than 2 levels or more than 7m below the level of discharge (high depth underground buildings and structures) shall be pressurized. Fire exit staircases that only serve the basement which have less than 2 or levels or less than 7m below the level of discharge (low depth underground buildings and structures) shall be provided with mechanical ventilation.

    Hits :  585
  • Q102. At what height shall a building have its exit staircases pressurized?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A102. In any building of which the habitable height exceeds 23 m, any internal exit staircases without adequate provision for natural ventilation shall be pressurized.

    Hits :  1022
  • Q103. What is the arrangement for multiple injections for staircase pressurization?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A103. A single-point injection system shall not be used where the stairwell height is more than eight stories. Stairwells more than 3 storeys above grade or 15m in height, which ever lower shall be provided with multiple-injection systems.

    Hits :  701
  • Q104. What is the minimum rate of mechanical ventilation for internal corridors?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A104. Mechanically ventilated internal corridor shall have a purging rate of at least 6 air changes per hour.

    Hits :  826
  • Q105. What is the minimum rate of mechanical ventilation for basements?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A105. The purge rate for basement shall be at least 9 air changes per hour.

    Hits :  817
  • Q106. What is the minimum clear height for the smoke layer when designing smoke management systems?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A106. The design smoke layer base shall be above the heads of people escaping beneath it. The minimum height shall be 1830mm

    Hits :  971
  • Q107. In what situation smoke removal system for firefighting operation need to be provided?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A107. Smoke removal system for firefighting operation shall be provided where there are no natural ventilation openings or where there no operable panels or windows.

    Hits :  907
  • Q108. What is the percentage of opening required for natural ventilation and the distance from the internal corridor?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A108. Naturally ventilated internal corridor shall be by fixed ventilation openings in an external wall and such ventilation openings being not less than 15 % of the floor area of the internal corridor. Natural ventilation opening shall not be more than 9m from any part of the internal corridor.

    Hits :  1086

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