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  • Q59.What is the definition of a labor accommodation?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A59.  Labor accommodations include buildings or spaces in buildings where sleeping accommodation is provided for workers, with or without meals, but without individual  cooking facilities. The phrase "without individual cooking facilities" refers to the absence of cooking equipment in any room or unit.

    Hits :  374
  • Q60. What is the height requirement to install a portable fire extinguisher?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A60.  The wall mount type portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in such a way that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 1.5 meters above the floor and not less than 30 cm from the bottom of extinguisher to the finished floor.

    Hits :  3538
  • Q61. What is the minimum number of people required to be trained on basic fire awareness and in the use of portable fire extinguishers?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A61.  At least 10 % of the Security personnel, Occupants, Employees and Supervisory personnel of each occupancy shall be trained on basic fire awareness, types, use and operation of fire extinguishers in emergency situation.

    Hits :  3352
  • Q62. At what level shall floor proximity exit signs be installed?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A62.  Where floor proximity exit signs are required in such signs shall be located near the floor level in addition to those signs required for doors or corridors. The bottom of the sign shall be not less than 150 mm, but not more than 455 mm, above the floor. 

    Hits :  1567
  • Q63. What is the function of emergency lights?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A63. The objective of having emergency lighting during emergencies or when the normal lighting of the occupied building fails. The emergency light shall fulfill the following functions:

    1. To indicate clearly and unambiguously the escape routes.
    2. To provide illumination along such routes to allow safe movement towards and through the exits provided.
    3. To ensure that fire alarm call points and fire fighting equipment provided along escape routes can be readily located.
    4. To permit operations concerned with safety measures
    Hits :  1697
  • Q64. Where shall emergency lights be provided?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A64.  For all buildings except for One-and-Two-Family Dwelling, emergency lighting shall be provided in all occupancies in the following areas:

    i.    along exit corridors, egress path, lobbies and exits staircases 
    ii.   Over area if there are no explicit paths leading to corridors, lobbies and exits.
    iii.   In hotel rooms or suites.
    iv.   Educational occupancies used as assembly, i.e. gymnasium, concert halls, auditoriums, theatres.
    v.    In office rooms more than 60m².
    Notwithstanding the requirements in the clause above, emergency lighting shall be provided in the following locations:
    i.     Lift cars
    ii.    Emergency command centers
    iii.   Generator rooms iv.     Basement car parks
    v.    Fire pump rooms vi.     Areas of refuge within the same building.

    Hits :  2422
  • Q65. What is the required brightness level of emergency lights?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A65.  Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to provide initial illumination that is not less than an average of 1 ft-candle (10.8 lux) and, at any point, not less than 0.1 ft-candle (1.1 lux), measured along the path of egress at floor level.

    Hits :  2518
  • Q66. In what type of occupancies is central battery required?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A66.  Central Battery System is not mandatory. However, stand alone self contained luminaries are not allowed as well. The emergency lighting system shall be either Central Battery system or monitored type self contained emergency lighting system which is diagnostic type and  shall be automatically monitored and tested through the Building Monitoring System and the fire alarm control unit.

    Hits :  1867
  • Q67. What is the definition of emergency voice communication (EVC)?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A67.  A system that is interlinked with the fire alarm to give evacuation or emergency messages throughout the premises for all occupants.

    Hits :  1148
  • Q68. In what type of occupancies requires emergency voice evacuation and communication system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A68.  One way emergency voice evacuation and communication system as well as an emergency command centre shall be provided as follows:

    i.    For all large buildings with gross floor area greater than 2800 m² or having a total occupant load exceeding 1000 persons and large industrial and warehouse buildings with gross floor area greater than 5000 m².
    ii.    For all buildings which are categorized as high rise or an assembly.
    iii.    For hotel or health care occupancies of less than 23m building height.

    Hits :  1245
  • Q69. In what location are speakers with flashers required?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A69.  Speakers with flashers (strobe lights) shall be provided for basement car parks, mechanical or machine rooms, large machining areas of factories (more than 5000m²) and at locations where the ambient noise level is 75db or more.

    Hits :  1521
  • Q70. What is the fire rating requirement for fire alarm and emergency communication cables?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A70.  All circuits necessary for the operation of the notification appliances shall be protected until they enter the evacuation signalling zone that they serve. Any of the following methods shall be considered acceptable as meeting the requirements of this subsection:

    i.    A 2-hour fire rated circuit integrity (CI) cable 
    ii.   A 2-hour fire rated cable system (electrical circuit protective system) 
    iii.  A 2-hour fire rated enclosure 
    iv.  Buildings fully protected by an automatic sprinkler system and with the interconnecting wiring or cables used for the operation of notification appliances installed in metal raceways  

    Hits :  1310
  • Q71. Where shall manual call point be located?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A71.  Distribution of the manual call points should be such that travel distance should not be more than 45m to reach the nearest manual call point. These figures to be reduced to 25m and 16m in limited mobility areas, and where processes of the area result in a likelihood of rapid fire development.

    Hits :  1765
  • Q72. What is the height requirement to install a manual call point?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A72.  The manual call points shall be installed generally at the height of (1.1 – 1.4) m, above floor level and in plain, accessible, well lit and free-hindrances places. Where disable people are expected to operate, height to be lowered to (91cm-1.2m).  

    Hits :  1545
  • Q73. At what level above the ground for raised floors to have smoke detectors within the concealed space?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A73.  For raised floors 400mm and above the floor level and/or containing combustible materials shall be provided with smoke detectors.

    Hits :  1085
  • Q72. What is the height requirement to install a manual call point?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    Q72.  What is the height requirement to install a manual call point? A72. The manual call points shall be installed generally at the height of (1.1 – 1.4) m, above floor level and in plain, accessible, well lit and free-hindrances places. Where disable people are expected to operate, height to be lowered to (91cm-1.2m).

    Hits :  1184
  • Q73. At what level above the ground for raised floors to have smoke detectors within the concealed space?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A73.  For raised floors 400mm and above the floor level and/or containing combustible materials shall be provided with smoke detectors.

    Hits :  882
  • Q74. At what height between the suspended ceiling and the ceiling level a smoke detector to be provided?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A74.  For suspended ceilings which are above 800mm from the ceiling level and/or containing combustible materials, smoke detectors are to be provided.

    Hits :  1784
  • Q75. In what condition can alarm notification speakers be used for non-emergency purposes?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A75.  Speakers used as alarm notification appliances on fire alarm systems shall also be permitted to be used for non-emergency purposes, provided that condition i or ii is met:

    i.    The emergency command centre is constantly attended by trained personnel.
    ii.    The speakers and associated audio equipment are installed or located with safeguards to resist tampering or mal adjustments of those components essential for intended emergency notification.

    Hits :  1049
  • Q76. Can alarm notification speakers be used as mass notification speakers?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A76.    Speakers used as alarm notification appliances on fire alarm systems shall also be permitted to be used for mass notification systems.

    Hits :  901

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