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  • Q77. What is the definition of a class 1 fire fighting system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A77.   Class 1 systems comprises of 65 mm diameter Landing Valve outlets coupled or uncoupled with 65mm diameter, 30 m long re-enforced rubber lined (RRL) hose with multipurpose hose nozzle for the use of Civil Defence department personnel or other trained fire fighting personnel.

    Hits :  927
  • Q78. What is the definition of a class 2 fire fighting system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A78.  Class 2 systems comprises of 25 mm diameter bore for Hose Reel System or 40 mm diameter bore for Hose Rack System, 30 m long dual reinforced rubber hose coupled with 6 or 8 mm bore multipurpose nozzle, for the use of occupants to extinguish small fires or when the fire is at its incipient stages until the arrival of Civil Defence fire fighters.

    Hits :  2079
  • Q79. What is the definition of a class 3 fire fighting system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A79.  Class 3 system is a combination of both Class 1 & Class 2 systems for the use of occupants and as well as Civil Defence use. In general the class I system equipments are installed in lower level or compartment and class II system equipments in upper level or compartment of a cabinet. Alternatively, because of the multiple use, class III stand pipe system comprising 65 mm diameter landing valve with 65 mm x 40 mm easily removable adapter and coupled with 40 mm diameter, 30 m long fire hose and nozzle may be permitted as a special cases.

    Hits :  1383
  • Q80. Where shall fire hose stations be located and what is the coverage distance?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A80.  The Fire Hose Station should be clearly visible beside the exit way or stairway (maximum allowed 6 meters from exit way or exit staircase). Additional fire hose stations along the exit access corridor, horizontal exit or in the car park floors shall be installed such that all portions of each floor are within 30 m from the fire hose station while measured along the natural path of travel from the hose station.

    Hits :  1390
  • Q81. At what level of the building shall fire pumps be installed?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A81.  Fire Pump shall be located at the lowest level of the building, pumping water upwards. Fire pumps at levels higher than the lowest level of the building with water supply feeding downwards is not allowed.

    Hits :  1081
  • Q82. What is the arrangement for a dry riser stand pipe system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A82.   Dry riser stand pipe system shall be terminated to a 2-way breeching inlet connection having 100 mm dia flanged outlet with 2 nos of 65 mm dia instantaneous male coupling inlets, located at Fire Access level for Civil Defence.

    Hits :  1045
  • Q83. What is the pressure limit for a multi wet riser zoning system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A83.  Multiple wet risers’ zoning system shall be established in high rise buildings where pressure reducing valve station is utilized with single fire pump set instead of multiple pumping station, to restrict pressure limit with in 12 bar at any Landing valve outlet.

    Hits :  1029
  • Q84. What is the minimum operating pressure for sprinkler head in ordinary hazard occupancies?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A84.  The minimum operating pressure of any sprinkler head for determining the water supply requirements  shall be not less than 0.5 bar (7 PSI) in the light hazard occupancy and 1.0 bar (14.5 PSI) in the ordinary hazard occupancies.

    Hits :  1286
  • Q85. What is the maximum operating pressure in a sprinkler system?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A85.  The maximum operating pressure in a sprinkler system shall not be more than 12 bar. Where higher operating pressure is used for the sprinkler system, all the sprinklers, pipes and fittings shall be rated for the higher operating pressure, however the operating pressure shall not be more than 16 bar in any case.

    Hits :  1437
  • Q86. What shall a fire pump set consist of?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A86.  The proposed fire pump set for any water based suppression system including fire hydrants shall consists each of the following:

    i.   Main Electric Pump
    ii.   Standby Diesel driven Pump  
    iii.  Electric Jockey Pump  iv.     Pump controllers
    v.   Ancillary valves and fittings

    Hits :  1298
  • Q87. Where shall the fire pump be located in a building?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A87.   Fire Pumps shall be located at the ground floor or Fire Access level at the lowest level of the building, pumping water upwards. Fire pumps at levels higher than the lowest level of the building with water supply feeding downwards is not allowed.

    Hits :  988
  • Q88. What shall be height limitation of a building for a mechanical floor to house the transfer fire pump and tank?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A88.  Any building higher than 90 m in habitable height from the lowest level of the building shall require a transfer pump set and a transfer water tank located on the mechanical floor.

    Hits :  780
  • Q89. What is defined as light hazard occupancies?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A89.  The areas and occupancies which are used for non-industrial uses and contains low quantity and less combustible materials which are expected to release less heat release rates during fire condition shall be classified as light hazard occupancies.  

    Hits :  911
  • Q90. What is defined as ordinary hazard occupancies?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A90.  The areas and occupancies used for processing and handling of mainly ordinary combustible materials unlikely to develop intensely burning fires in the initial stages shall be classified as ordinary hazard occupancies.

    Hits :  770
  • Q91. What is defined as ordinary hazard group 1?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A91.   The areas and occupancies which are used for commercial & industrial uses and contains medium quantity and moderate combustible materials and the storages up to 2.4 meters which are expected to release moderate heat release rates during fire condition shall be classified as Ordinary Hazard group-1. 

    Hits :  803
  • Q92. What is defined as ordinary hazard group 2?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A92.  The areas and occupancies which are used for commercial & industrial uses and contain medium quantity and moderate to high combustible materials and the storages up to 3.6 mtrs which are expected to release moderate heat release rates and the storages up to 2.4 mtrs which are high heat release rates during fire condition shall be classified as Ordinary Hazard group-2.  

    Hits :  574
  • Q93. What is defined as extra high hazard group 1?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A93.   The areas and occupancies which are used for industrial uses and contains high quantity and very high combustible materials which will support fast development of fire and are expected to release very high heat release rates during fire condition and having less or no combustible or flammable liquids & gases shall be classified as Extra high hazard group-1.

    Hits :  489
  • Q94. What is defined as extra high hazard group 2?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A94.  The areas and occupancies which are used for industrial uses and contain moderate to high quantity of flammable & combustible liquids and gases which will support rapid growth of fire and expected to release very high heat release rates during fire condition shall be classified as Extra High hazard group-2.

    Hits :  446
  • Q95. What is the temperature and fire rating of smoke exhaust or extract fans?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A95.     Smoke Exhaust or extract fans shall be capable of operating effectively at 400°C for 2 hours.

    Hits :  928
  • Q96. What is the minimum distance between air intakes and any exhaust discharge openings?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A96.  Openings for the intakes of outdoor air to all air handling systems, mechanical ventilation systems, pressurization systems of exit staircases and internal corridors, and smoke control systems shall be no less than 5m from any exhaust discharge openings.

    Hits :  890

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