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Terms & Conditions

19965 Sunday, 09 Aug 2015 04:00
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Applicability of Content:
Information on this site includes descriptions of products and services available in the United Arab Emirates only. This site is operated in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Governing Law
Dubai Civil Defense has established the following Terms and Conditions for visiting this website in accordance with the Authority's Rules and Regulations as well as U.A.E laws. Whenever a person breaches these Terms and Conditions, the Authority reserves the right to use the law in its full to protect its infrastructure and information. The courts of Dubai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute in this connection.

Acceptable Usage of the Authority's website
Regardless of whether you are registered user or not, by accessing DCD's website you agree to the following terms and conditions:

    To use the site only for lawful purposes
    Not to commit any criminal offense
    Not to post or transmit any disruptive or offensive messages, including offensive comments about race, gender, hair color, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practices, political beliefs or national origin
    Not to attempt to circumvent data protection scheme, uncover security loopholes, or to decrypt secure data
    Not to misinterpret your identity in any communication with DCD
    Not to Access / Modify / Delete any of the information posted on the Authority's website
    Not to transmit fraudulently or any other messages/materials prohibited by law
    Not to create / run / install any content that contains malicious code, viruses or any other programs that may alter, damage or interrupts the functionality of the Authority's Website. Also not to intentionally perform any other act that will interfere with the normal operations of the Authority's website.

Restricted Areas
Certain areas of the website, require you to register with the Authority. You agree that all information, which you provide on the website is complete and accurate. You are also responsible for the update of your personal information whenever it is changed. By registering with the Authority you automatically agree with these Terms and Conditions, as well as with the Authority's Security and Privacy Policy. All materials on DCD's web site are copyright protected. No material from the site may be copied, distributed, transmitted or used without expressed written permission from DCD. Any unauthorized misuse of copyrighted materials could be in violation of copyright, trademark, publicity or privacy laws.

For any payments done through the website the following service fees apply:

Liability Restrictions

DCD is not responsible for any technical, hardware or software failures of any kind; lost or unavailable network connections; incomplete, garbled or delayed transmissions. It assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, consequential or psychological damages as a result of visiting or using its Web site or loss of services, income or welfare resulting from any virus that may infect computer equipment used to access its sites. Under no circumstances will DCD be liable for any damages or injury that result from the use of the materials on this site and the user shall indemnify DCD from & against all liabilities resulting from the user's failure to observe these terms and conditions.

DCD may cancel access to its site/s for any reason, including lack of use or violation of this policy or its Privacy Policy and may terminate this agreement at any time without notice for any reason whatsoever. Users may also terminate this agreement by giving advance notice to DCD.

Terms & Conditions Changes
DCD reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time.

The latest version of this Terms and Conditions will be always published to the DCD web site.

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