DCD colour
Colour blind
Green weakness
Red weakness
In the presence of Her Highness Sheikha Mahra Bint Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Rashid Center for People of Determination celebrated 30 years of giving by honoring the General Directorate of Dubai Civil Defense. This recognition was for their significant support of the center's humanitarian efforts, activities, and initiatives aimed at empowering people of determination.
Dr. Ahmad Yousef Al Shanqeeti, Director of the Government Communication Department in the General Directorate of Dubai Civil Defense and Director of the Government Entity Committee for People of Determination, emphasized Dubai Civil Defense's commitment to providing services, initiatives, and smart solutions. These efforts ensure the continuous participation of people of determination, enabling them to achieve excellence and creativity. This aligns with the directives of our wise leadership to transform the Emirate of Dubai into an inclusive and friendly city for people of determination.Site is best viewed in a 1280x1024 screen resolution.
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