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  • Q19. What shall the maximum allowable area of a mezzanine floor?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A19.   The aggregate area of mezzanines within a room, other than those located in special-purpose industrial occupancies, shall not exceed one-third the open area of the room in which the mezzanines are located.

    Hits :  430
  • Q20. What is a breeching inlet?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A20.   A connection through which the Civil Defence fire department can pump supplemental water into the sprinkler system, standpipe, or other system, furnishing water for fire extinguishment to supplement existing water supplies.

    Hits :  2793
  • Q21. What is the definition of fire access level?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A21.   Level where Civil Defence Fire Appliances (Fire Truck/Engine) are deployed and where fire fighters have direct access into the building.

    Hits :  1612
  • Q22. What is the definition of fire engine access road?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A22.   The road to the building or structure to allow access for Civil Defence fire-fighting and rescue apparatus.

    Hits :  1317
  • Q23. What is the definition of fire engine access way?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A23.   The path adjacent to the building or structure to allow operational setup for Civil Defence fire-fighting and rescue apparatus such as Aerial Appliances.

    Hits :  1081
  • Q24. What is a landing valve?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A24.   A 65 mm diameter water outlet normally located inside or near the staircase landing for trained or Civil Defence fire fighters to use during fire.

    Hits :  2436
  • Q25. What is the maximum distance allowed between the edge of a fire engine access way and the breeching inlet?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A25.  Buildings fitted with standpipes and automatic sprinkler system shall have access ways for pumping appliances within 18 m of the breeching inlet. The breeching inlets shall be visible from the access ways.

    Hits :  1682
  • Q26. Requirement for pvt fire hydrants along engine access way and access road?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A26.   Spacing between Private Hydrants along Fire Engine access way and access road are as follows:

    i.    Residential and Commercial Occupancies shall be 120 m
    ii.   Light Hazard Storage Occupancies shall be 100 m
    iii.  Ordinary Hazard Storage Occupancies shall be 100 m
    iv.  Light Hazard Industrial Occupancies shall be 100 m
    v.   Ordinary Hazard Industrial Occupancies shall be 100 m
    vi.   High Hazard Occupancies shall be 60 m

    Hits :  1291
  • Q27. What is the minimum flow rate for each private fire hydrant?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A27.  Minimum flow rate for each Private fire hydrant shall be 500 Gallons per Minute

    Hits :  1799
  • Q28. What is the minimum pressure required for fire hydrant in relation to landing valves?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A28 Minimum Pressure required for Private fire hydrant is 6.9 bars.  

    Hits :  1900
  • Q29. What is the minimum duration of fire fighting water supply for private fire hydrant?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A29.   Private Fire Hydrant Water supply for fire fighting shall be for 2 hours.

    Hits :  1489
  • Q.30. What is the height limitations for a fire hydrant?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A30.   The center of a hose outlet shall be not less than 457 mm and not more than 914mm above final grade.

    Hits :  1813
  • Q31. How far shall the distance be between the fire engine access way and any access opening of a building?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A31.  Access way shall be positioned so that the nearer edge shall be not less than 2 m or more than 10 m from the centre position of the access opening, measured horizontally.

    Hits :  950
  • Q32. What is the gradient requirement for a fire engine access way?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A32.   Access way shall be laid on a level platform or if on an incline, the gradient shall not exceed 10%.  

    Hits :  849
  • Q33. What is the maximum allowable dead end distance for a fire engine access way?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A33.  Dead-end access way and fire engine access road shall not exceed 45 m in length or if exceeding 45 m, be provided with turning facilities.

    Hits :  903
  • Q34. What is the minimum height clearance along fire engine access way and access road?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A34.  Overhead clearance of access way and fire engine access road shall be at least 4.5 m for passage of fire fighting appliances. Overhead obstruction to access way could be entrance gate, link or bridges connecting buildings.

    Hits :  912
  • Q35.In what type of building shall a fire lift be required?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A35.  In any building which is classified as high-rise or High depth building having more than 2 level of basement, there shall be provided at least one fire lift, which shall be contained within a separate protected shaft or a common protected shaft containing other lifts subject to such other lifts being served at each storey by a fire fighting lobby.  

    Hits :  1383
  • Q36. What is the minimum dimension of a fire lift car?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A36.  Minimum dimension of a Fire lift car shall be of 1950mm either in length of breadth.

    Hits :  1445
  • Q37. What is the minimum width of a fire fighting staircase?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A37.   Fire-fighting stairs should be a minimum of 1200 mm wide.

    Hits :  1548
  • Q38. Size requirement for a fire fighting lobby?

    Sunday,2 Aug 2015

    A38.  The fire fighting lobby shall have a clear floor area of not less than 5 m2. The clear floor area should not exceed 20 m2 for spaces serving up to four lifts or 5 m2 per lift for spaces serving more than four lifts.  

    Hits :  1444

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