Dubai Civil Defense received National Services Recruits (NSR) delegation, in an introductory visit to Emirates Academy for Civil Defense (EACD), to review fire and rescue men training methodology and the nature of their tasks to protect lives and properties, main specialized training courses presentations, including “Basic Training Course”.
Visiting National Services Recruits (NSR), also review other facilities and training establishments, which furbish fire and rescue men skills and boosting their professional efficiency and capabilities, as per training methods approved globally, with elaborative explanation for fire specialized equipment and apparatuses working mechanism, first responder system. Recruits were briefed also about a number of successful work experiences.
1st. Lt. Matter Bin Ghdaier, head of training and development section at Fire Stations, stressed that National Services Recruits visit symbolizes the value of communication and knowledge impart between military institutions across the country, as they review the nature of tasks fire squads perform during emergency situations, and have a full idea about Civil Defense activities, with casting more light on some fire incidents which were efficiently and effectively handled by fire personnel, in accordance to international known best practices.