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Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Al Matroushi inaugurates Al-Tadawi Medical Center at Dubai Civil Defense

2446 Wednesday, 14 Apr 2021 11:00
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2021 04 12 1NA

Dubai Civil Defense Director General H.E. Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Rashid Al Matrooshi has inaugurated ALTAWADI Medical Center (AMC), in the headquarters building within the framework plan set to provide high quality integrated package of medical, health care, preventive and treatment services to frontline heroes and all the employees.

The opening ceremony was convened in the presence of Mr. Marwan Al haj Nasser, CEO, and MD of ALTADAWI Health Care Group, Excellency Brig. Jamal Bin Aaded Al Muheiri, Assist. Director-General for Resources and Support Services, Excellency Brig. Rashid Khalifa Al Falasi, Assist. Director-General for Smart Services, Excellency Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, Assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs and Dr. Haider Al Zubaidi Medical Director of the Group. 

The inauguration comes as part of cooperation accord inked between Dubai Civil Defense and ALTADAWI Medical Group, according to which the group will provide DCD’S employees and their families with the required medical services, other services covered under medical insurance and organizes medical lectures, and workshops aiming at dissemination of medical awareness and culture.

Al Matrooshi emphasized that this move signifies the success of integrated services DCD delivering to its staff, and inaugurated medical center will help to bolster their health and safety, in a way that matches with health care international standards, and integrate with the targets of Government health strategies for creating a safe and healthy environment, confirming a medical partnership with ALTAWADI Medical Group will support our strategies and trends aiming to ensure the sustainability of the positive and happy working environment. 

For his part, Mr. Marwan has indicated that the newly opened center is the outcome of the fruitful cooperation with Dubai Civil Defense, noting that the new center is outfitted with highly sophisticated specialized medical equipment and instruments, such as dentistry, dermatology, and physiotherapy clinics. Other services provided include medical consultations; chronic diseases follow-up, COVID 19 test, vaccination, and a resident GP doctor. 

Medical services in the center will be delivered five days a week from Sunday to Thursday, according to the latest standards approved by the Ministry of Health and Prevention and Dubai Health Authority.

2021 04 12 2NA

2021 04 12 3NA
2021 04 12 4NA
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