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In an effort to improve the quality of life and customer satisfaction, the General Directorate of Civil Defense recently met with a number of strategic partners to discuss the evolution of offered services. The meeting's primary topics were "Fire and Rescue," "Hazardous Materials," and "Company Accreditation." The meeting was attended by His Excellency Major General Rashid Khalifa Al Falasi, Assistant Director-General for Safety and Protection Affairs at Dubai Civil Defense.
Ms. Afaf Jassim Al-Muhairi, Director of Strategy and Future Department at Dubai Civil Defense, emphasized that the purpose of the meeting with partners is to provide the finest services and implement the 360 approach in accordance with Dubai government's policies and standards. The focus was on innovation leaders and organizational units concerned with customer satisfaction. More than twenty-five government and private entities collaborated to provide comprehensive proactive services, ensuring a pleasant customer journey in accordance with global best practices, aided by advanced intelligent programs.
Al-Muhairi added that Dubai Civil Defense places a great importance on holding regular meetings, recognizing the significance of integration and continuous coordination among relevant parties in order to achieve the utmost levels of safety and security in Dubai.
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