DCD colour
Colour blind
Green weakness
Red weakness
With a strong commitment to enhancing its electronic and intelligent systems using the latest technologies, while also ensuring high levels of security and forming strategic partnerships with the private sector, The General Directorate of Dubai Civil Defense has signed a memorandum of understanding with "Emaratech" (Emirates Technological Solutions). The signing event occurred at the Dubai General Directorate of Civil Defense's headquarters and was attended by Major General/Expert Ali Hassan Al-Mutawa, Assistant Director General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, and Mr. Thani Abdullah Alzaffin, the General Manager of Emaratech.
Major General/Expert Ali Hassan Al-Mutawa, in his role as Assistant Director General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, underlined the Directorate's unwavering commitment to continuous development across various domains, embracing electronic advancements and making optimal use of artificial intelligence programs. These efforts align with the directions of the wise leadership to position Dubai as the world's smartest city.
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