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2020 07 21 1NA

His Excellency Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence, has announced that the successful launch of “Hope Probe” in its historic mission, as part of UAE project to explore Mars, within the scheduled timeframe, despite the challenges faced due to new CORONAVIRUS “COVID 19”, emphasizes the global leadership of UAE to firmly return to achieve the themes of what  H.H. Sheikh Mohammed  Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai has said;” UAE’S project to explore Mars sends three messages, the first message addresses the world, that we are people of Civilization, as we had a role in knowledge previously, we will have one in future also. The second message addresses our Arab brothers that nothing is impossible, and we can compete with other great nations in the track of knowledge, while the last message targets the youth, who seeks peaks can reach beyond, even space, our aspirations have no limits”.

Being the first Arabic and Islamic mission to explore Mars, and one of the global scientific huge projects achieved by UAE, it expresses  UAE and Arab world capability to accomplish more huge scientific project that invests in the future, in order to contribute in improving the quality of life on earth, and enhancing global scientific cooperation, to make UAE leading in space researches field, an inspiration source for youth, as this unprecedented scientific accomplishment is led by inspired well qualified UAE young scientist staff. 

The successful “Hope Probe” blast-off into space is not only our gateway to the future but also “strategic investment on Human factor”.



Last modified on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 12:54

2020 07 19 1NA

Excellency Jamal Bin Aadid Al Muheiri, assist. Director-General for Resources and Supportive Services, at Dubai Civil Defence, has presided Human Resources Department meeting, in which he reviewed the axis of “Daman” initiative, recently launched by the Department of Strategy and Future.

The launched initiative aims to plan and organize DCD’s administrative operations, connecting them with the different levels of the implementation of strategic plan 2017 -2021, harmonizing with organizational structure levels and in the same time enhancing ties across planning and institutional systems, and creating competitiveness between different departments, within the initiative, to participate on 7 Stars assessment trophy, which set to be awarded to the best department based on the ever best benchmark prescribed.

Bin Aadid has indicated also that, the meeting addressed as well, operational level performance measurement system across the HR department; extend of operations’ ability to meet concerned entities' needs, identifying procedures’ improvement areas, productivity measurement, and finally knowing human force motivating planning.

He also confirmed, HR department's ability to compete in getting the 7 stars award, based on its huge contribution demonstrated within DCD’s department integrated working system, an active role in translating strategic goals in a professional way.

He also noted that resources and supportive services sector departments are capable to achieve the best results in the general indicator of “Daman” initiative. 

The meeting was attended by Captain Abdulrahman Ahali, deputy director of the Human Resources department, sections heads, and other concerned entities.


Last modified on Monday, 20 July 2020 09:45

2020 07 15 1NA

Dubai Civil Defence fire station at (Al Mizher), has organized, as a part of a launched initiative titled (Tistahaloon Al Salamah), which literary implies (You deserve Safety), a visit to Dr. Juma Bilal ALsuweidi, located at Oud Al Mutina 1, to be reassured about his family, following the fire incident which was erupted in the first floor of his house, led to members of the family being trapped as a result, according to incident commander statement. Fire and rescue squad managed to evacuate the family members from the villa and controlling the situation in record time, without any reported injuries.

The visit comes in line with the framework of community partnership and fields tours, which constitute the basic pillars of DCD strategic plan, set to communicating with families who suffer from fire incidents and rescue operations to be reassured about their situations and provide them with the necessary advice, aiming at enhancing means of safety and protection at homes, in addition, conduct opinion poll, and measuring community satisfaction about firemen roles and sacrifices delivered. 

Col. Expert Abdulrahman Bal Shalat, fire station’s director indicated that such field visits, contribute in introducing home fire incidents risks, spreading preventive safety and awareness culture across community members, interaction with population and enhancing their role as the first responder to fire incidents prior to the arrival of fire teams to the incident scene, which lead to control and mitigate incident aftermath.


Last modified on Thursday, 16 July 2020 14:21

2020 07 07 1NA

As part of its sustainable projects based on the initiative set for full automation all the services, without the intervention of human element, by using artificial intelligence applications, which have the ability to accommodate big size database, integration, and communication with all other electronic and smart systems,  which corresponding with optimal investment in human resources, main and supportive operations, satisfying our smart service’s needs,  and achieving interactive, accurate and sustainable governance of transactions and procedures.  

Dubai Civil Defence has completed its launched project titled (automated smart reply system), the current week will witness the implementation of project phase 1, which includes smart notification services by 100%, while other phases are scheduled to be implemented during the next weeks consecutively.

The newly implemented system serves main operations and a wide range of customers and employees integrates with (Internet of things) applications, achieves quick and rapid response, and contains a package of smart systems, programs, and applications.


Last modified on Thursday, 09 July 2020 08:46

5 7 2020 1NA

Seedy H. H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, May God bless him, has confirmed sometime earlier that, the more lean, resilient, and the faster government is needed, that can respond to the new and different national priorities.

“Who thinks world before and after COVID 19 is similar is no doubt mistaken” added Al Matrooshi.

The government’s new structure announced by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed aims to achieve his vision on our government, “ a government that never stops or takes rest”… a government that provides citizens and expatriates with the best life quality means, like government work high value, in the phase of recovery and returning to normalcy, by introducing new methods, future reshaping tools, superseding governmental traditional tools, reaching out different people, facilitating services to be delivered to them, support their schemes, economic activities and daily routine services, assuring continuity and economic development sustainability.

 CORONA Virus hard experience made us stronger, better, and faster… and has proved that the government team was in the forefront rows; not only in fighting or in responding to the pandemic, but also in maintaining the work and services continuity in the most efficient and effective way, and solid cooperation from different sectors of UAE community.

This performance helped to positively contribute to achieving our strategic goal, to make UAE the best and fastest in recovery and normal life restoration, and capable to cross strongly to the future.



Last modified on Wednesday, 08 July 2020 09:50

2020 06 26 1NA

Excellency Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence, has chaired three different institutional meetings, convened for sectors of Resources and Support Services, Smart Services and Fire and Reuse respectively, as per work-integrated methodology, set to enable DCD evaluating and measuring maturity levels of all professional practices, review improvement aspects that could contribute in developing the performance and upgrading services level.  

Al Matrooshi reviewed in the meeting, the implementation of the remote working system, applied during the exceptional circumstances imposed due to the pandemic of Novel CORONA ( COVID 19), and  I level of implementation at all sectors, employees productivity, organizational units performance levels, cooperation with strategic partners and partnership assessment.

He also addressed, technical and technological support rendered during the pandemic era, challenges faced by different sectors while carrying out their tasks and means of remedies, system flexibility, and work continuity strategy.

ALMatrooshi indicated that the aim of these convened meetings is to analyze the reality and find futuristic solutions, he stressed steps taken by DCD to implement work plans and increase services quality delivered to employees and customers, have contributed largely in the continuation of the performance I accordance to highest excellence and quality standards, maintaining community health and safety, relying on DCD’S technological and digital infrastructure.

Institutional maturity meetings have been attended by Brig. Jamal Bin Aded Al Muheiri, assist. Director-General for Resources and Supportive Services, Brig. Rashid Khalifa Al Falasi, assist. Director-General for Smart Services, Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawa, assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, Lady Afaf Jassim Al Muheiri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, Departments Directors, and other concerned bodies.

Worth mentioning, early maturity meetings witnessed the discussion of Director-General Sector and Fire and safety Department working papers, as part of the special vision set to develop professional performance and institutional excellence of DCD’S work.

2020 06 26 2NA

2020 06 26 3NA

Last modified on Sunday, 28 June 2020 09:16

2020 06 25 1NA

Excellency Ali Hassan Al Mutawa, assist. Director-General of Dubai Civil Defence has visited the Dubai Government workshop accompanied by Col. Suleiman Abdulkarim Al Bloushi, Director of Technical Affairs Department, and they were received by H.E. Fahd Ahmed Al Raisi, the executive director.

 The two sides have discussed the ways of mutual cooperation and exchange of expertise in areas of specialty, which lies under the framework of understanding between strategic partners, working together towards a sustainable partnership to achieve the set strategic goals and the futuristic vision in delivering most advanced services that meet customers’ needs and ensure their happiness.

During the visit, the delegation has reviewed the workshop’s different facilities, which deliver all types of maintenance to Dubai Government-owned vehicles and equipment, and its other affiliated departments.  

Al Mutawa emphasized that the visit aims at activating partnerships and enhancing effective ways of understanding between the bodies.

He went on saying, it also reflects the importance of knowledge impart, exchange of accumulative expertise and working experiences amongst entities and organizations of Dubai Government, to achieve global leadership, fostering governmental services levels, and adopting integrated practical systems for developing the services in line with latest quality standards and professionalism, which match the targets of national agenda and UAE vision 2021.

2020 06 25 2NA

Last modified on Thursday, 25 June 2020 11:34

2020 06 17 1NA

As part of ongoing cooperation between Dubai Civil Defense and Sharjah Police, DCD’S workshop has finished outfitting Sharjah Police’s new Fire and Rescue Vehicle with the latest equipment and apparatuses. 

Refurbished Vehicle was delivered by Col. Sulieman Abdullakrim Al Bloushi, Director of Technical Affairs Department at Dubai Civil Defense, to Sharjah Police delegation comprises of Lt. Col. Rashid Sandal, head of Rescue section and Lt. Col. Faisal Al Dokhi, manager of the Rescue branch.

The well-fitted new vehicle, which will be added to the Sharjah Police fleet, is designed to be used as a rapid intervention vehicle, in fire incidents and other emergencies as a first responder.  

Col. Suleiman emphasized that outfitting work done by DCD’S technical workshop reflects the continuous joint collaboration between Dubai Civil Defense and Sharjah Police in the field of manufacturing and equipping vehicles and apparatuses used in fire and rescue operations, adding DCD’S technical affairs department always keeps abreast with the new developments witnessed globally in the field of Civil Defense specialty, which enhancing fire and rescue squads efforts in dealing positively and rapidly with different types of incidents,  such as rescuing injured and trapped persons in buildings, fire incidents and road accidents inside the cities or on high ways roads.

He praised the efforts of workshop different working teams for the excellent technical services delivered in the fields of rehabilitation, outfitting, repair, and maintenance, and their commitment showed to achieve quality assurance and sustainability, to become one of the best teams across UAE with their vast experiences accumulated over years and high capabilities earned in delivering comprehensive technical support services.

2020 06 17 2NA


Last modified on Thursday, 18 June 2020 12:54

2020 06 16 11NA

His Excellency Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defense, has confirmed at a virtual meeting presided by him, that DCD has accomplished substantial achievements and success in its key and supportive operations, during the time of working remotely from homes, due to the pandemic of novel CORONAVIRUS (COVID 19), as per performance and productivity measurement and technical procedures set to assure work continuity, based on the availability of smart infrastructure and modern applications and associated services, before pandemic has emerged, and as a result of DCD’S strategic plans and permanent applications designed to back up the continuity of DCD’S efforts to deal with the potential emergency situations.   

A statement was issued during the virtual meeting convened to evaluate the “institutional maturity of organizational units during the experience of the remote working system. The held meeting focused on discussing the maturity reports of “Government Communication Department”, in which he stressed on the importance of applying the principle of transparency during the assessment of pandemic period, addressing points of strength and improvement opportunities to achieve best results with least resources, also the case study of supportive services, which form 30% of DCD’S key operations. 

He noted also to the importance of extracting successful experiences of other departments, coordinating with the strategic partners for exchanging of expertizes, distributing administrative and professional competencies among sections and departments, to be utilized for future planning purposes, raising initiatives, and developmental suggestions to ensure development sustainability and international pioneering.

For her part, Mrs. Afaf Jassim Al Muheiri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, addressed the main assessment axis, sub-standards, programs and technological systems effectiveness, unit organizational structure, communicating with strategic partners, and efficiency and productivity of employees working remotely.

She indicated that assessment has proved the excellence and effectiveness of DCD’S working systems, as the department has managed in record time to successfully implement a remote working system, in accordance with a specific mechanism, ensuring the safety of personnel and performance perfection, based on best international practices.

She confirmed also that, institutional maturity assessment includes currently Resources and Supportive Services Department, Safety and Protection Sector, Strategy, and Future, as well as the Government Communication Department, and will continue to cover other departments as well.

The meeting was attended by Major Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Al Shengiti, director of Government Communication Department and heads of sections.

2020 06 16 22NA

Last modified on Wednesday, 17 June 2020 21:56

2020 06 16 1NA

 Excellency Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawa, Assistant Director-General of Dubai Civil Defense for Fire and rescue Affairs, announced in a statement that a total number of transactions been achieved by the department of fire and safety through its various electronic and smart platforms, between March 26 and June 4, was estimated at (8867) transactions.

He asserted that DCD’S different platforms have witnessed an increased number of customers, since customer services centers were closed due to the emergency of the pandemic, and was instead replaced by the remote working system, adding the number of transactions achieved through electronic services webpage and smartphone applications hiked to reached 100%, as compared to the number of transaction achieved last year.

He also indicated that, due to the integration between electronic and smart platforms, the speed of achieving different safety transactions was very fast, as drawings transactions achieved was (3076), while consultants transactions were (1943), Décor transactions were estimated at (732), and Gas transactions was (401), completion certificates issued were (2156), and (3528) inspection transactions were recorded. Other transactions like inspection requests recorded were ( 1372), Hazard materials warehouses were (10), and the total number of companies approval statistics was (2263), tanks approval transactions achieved was (42), total maintenance contracts achieved was ( 1898), companies registration was ( 38), factories, agents and distributors licensing transactions together was estimated at (62), (25) maintenance companies,( 49) delegate cards and ( 193) technicians approval transactions were respectively achieved.  

Brig. Ali emphasized that DCD has made substantial achievements in the field of digital transactions, by giving high-quality services to its customers, which comes under its keenness to ensure the safety of both employees and customers, in line with preventive precautionary measures taken during current situation, and proved to be very efficient and effective, and has achieved remarkable success and observed results that exceeded the expectations in serving customers and community members,  at the time where digital conversion platforms and smart applications experienced more turnout.

2020 06 16 2NA

2020 06 16 3NA

2020 06 16 4NA2020 06 16 5NA


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