Dubai Civil Defense Department has concluded its campaign launched by the Department of Civil Protection – Public Health Section in association with the Ministry of Health and Community Prevention, and the Dubai Health Authority to vaccinate DCD’S personnel frontline and workers at Headquarters and Fire Centers, as per timeframe set. The campaign comes as part of the framework of enhancing preventive aspect and raising awareness about the importance of getting the seasonal FLU vaccination to avoid its negative implications, confirming the necessity of having the vaccination to prevent getting the FLU and COVID 19 at the same time.
The Campaign focuses on providing the employees with all the necessary consultations, advice, and awareness directives, which help to maintain your health and public safety.
Captain Hamadan Hamad Al Suwaidi, Director of Civil Protection Department, described the successful efforts put forward to vaccinate the frontline and employees against seasonal FLU as an important task to protect them from diseases, facing all the possibilities of spreading this virus during Winter season, in a way that enabling them to play their prescribed national role in protecting lives and properties, enhancing the efforts exerted by Ministry of Health along with Dubai Health Authority to raise health education level through vaccination campaigns and different health programs, which will lead to creating healthy society ensuring safety and security of its members, praising their role in fostering communicable diseases protection system, developing the health system as per latest global indicators.
He indicated that DCD is very keen to keep abreast with the latest developments concerning health aspects due to its importance, as they lead to achieve best readiness levels, to serve the nation and society, emphasizing in the same time to positive responding from all sectors towards the campaign.