Dubai Civil Defense fulfilled a desire of three years boy by hosting his birthday celebration at home amongst his family members with the participation of a number of firefighters from Barsha fire station, as part of community initiatives of Dubai Civil Defense.
A letter was received by the department of Government Communication from the family of the child Khalid Abdullah Jawhar, who is 3 years old, expressing their admiration of firefighters, and their unique uniform which attracts the little boy attention, they wear while carrying out main and support operations, wondering if any chance for him to celebrate his birthday this year among DCD’S frontline heroes.
He (Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa), assist. Director-General of Fire and Rescue stressed that DCD’ quick response to fulfill child’s desire, confirming community humanitarian values, which reflects the directives seeking integration with factors that reflect positive relation between the components of the society, in a way that enhancing integration confirming professional development, explaining That Dubai Civil defense HQ takes into consideration the confidence people have on all things which lead to assert honorable presence always on different events and respects to achieve anticipated aspirations.
Ali noted also that social understanding comes on top of Dubai Government priorities and directives to achieve the best happiness indicators of the community provide highest degrees of safety and security assuring decent life, embedding the concepts of tolerance and coexistences and the role of individual towards his family, community and nation.
For his part Maj. Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Al Shengiti, Director of Government Communication Department, stressed Dubai Civil defense is keen social to integrate and extend effective means of communication with all community’s segments, based on its strategic, programs and community activities, and achieving inspirations for positive participation, which contribute in assuring their happiness.