As a part of its ongoing efforts to spread awareness culture, Department of Dubai Civil Defence launched in association with Dubai Center for Special needs a joint awareness initiative named “Labih” at Dubai Disable ‘s Center. “At your Service initiative” which known also as “Labih’s initiative” was launched in the presence of Mr. Naji ALHai, Undersecretary of Ministry of Social Affairs, the assistants of Director General of Dubai Civil Defence Brig. Ahmed Obaid ALsayegh and Brig. Salem Khalifa ALMugrab, Mrs. Amina Yaquab, Director of Civil Protection Department and Mrs. Ayesha Abdullah ALDurbi, Director of Dubai Center for Special needs. The ceremony began with recitation of some verses from Holy Quran presented by a child from Dubai Center for Special needs, followed by Mr. ALHai’s key speech in which he said:
“Providing safety and security is a huge responsibility that needs all to share, therefore we should strive to spread the safety culture and its relevant applications, to ensure safe and risks free environment is provided. Therefore, achieving highest safety and security standards, by providing and supporting training and awareness initiatives in this field comes within the top priorities of Dubai center for special needs. Based on the above, Labiah initiative was launch and carried out in cooperation with Dubai Civil Defence. Unleashed initiative aims at providing the required safety and protection against the risks that special needy people might face. Special needy persons should be trained well and educated on safety awareness in the center to acquire the necessary skills to correctly handle emergency situations. Parents of these special needy persons should be educated as well on the concept of safety and train them on how to use home fire safety equipments provided”.
Then Brig. Salem ALMugrab,Assist. Director General for Prevention & Protection Affairs, delivered a keynote speech on behalf of Maj.Gen. Expert Rashid ALMatrooshi in which he said:
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) has said: (That of his devotees verily seek to fulfil people needs, whom people rush to, those who are the saved –Alamnon- from the punishment of the judgment day).
And also H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid ALMaktoum,Vice- President,Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, says:
(There is neither good nor bad life, beautiful or ugly world, but it is just a merely optimistic or pessimistic outlook).
He added:
Almighty Allah selects some of his subordinates to be dedicated for goodness, fill their hearts with mercifulness and kindness to act as his caring hand to help others, especially disables, irrespective of religion, sex, color or age.
The latest initiative launched by H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid ALMaktoum,Dubai Crown Prince and President of Executive Council,( My Community is a Place for All), aiming at making Dubai Disable friendly City by 2020 comes as a part of the kind care of our prudent leadership and its continued concern given to Those sweethearts.
He Further Confirmed:
The fundamental step to be taken in order to ensure disable happiness is to raise their awareness level of their incapacity, and provide appropriate ways they have to adopt to live with it, as this is the only way that disables can be merged in the community, and be able to lead independent and stable life, and to contribute like others in community development process. Department of Civil Defence is seriously keen to set up and develop community awareness programs, preventive systems and onsite measures to ensure the safety of special needs people is maintained under all circumstances and in all sites, in coordination with others concerned entity such as Ministry of Social Affairs and various Disable Rehabilitation centers, without neglecting the essential disable’s families roles to play being the first responders during emergencies.
Hence, Dubai Civil Defence and Dubai Center for Special needs joint ” Labiah” initiative is considered a true implementation of the MOU inked between DCD and Ministry of Social Affairs, and a further step in the joint work between DCD”s Civil Protection teams and Dubai Center for special needs’ teams to enable disables persons fit well in the community in totally safe environment.