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On the margins of the Iftar banquet held during Ramadan with the strategic partners and in the presence of His Excel. Lt. Gen. Expert / Rashid Thani Al Matroushi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defense.The Dubai Civil Defense declares new safety standards and requirements for a safe and sustainable city.
At the Emirates Safety Laboratory and as a governmental entity accredited in fire testing and issuing certifications for fire and safety products and systems, his Excellency hosted stakeholders, manufacturers of fire safety products and systems, consultants, developers, contractors, and other parties involved in the field of security and safety
The meeting aimed at strengthening partnership relations with strategic partners and improving the communication with officials to transfer expertise, and to observe the qualitative leap the laboratory has made over the years, as well as its access to leadership through the implementation of the most recent and significant international standards and specifications, announcing new rules, terms and safety requirements for testing, issuing certificates and registering products in the Emirate of Dubai to make it one of the safest and most sustainable cities in the world.
In this context, His Excellency Brigadier General Ali Hassan Al-Mutawa - Assistant Director General for Fire and Rescue Affairs emphasized that the Dubai Civil Defense Department's organization of such meetings in light of social events is merely a supportive measure to review the department's most important services and updates in the field of Industry and consulting that supports building and construction in compliance with important new requirements and laws for products and projects in the Emirate of Dubai.
His Excellency explained that Dubai Civil Defense seeks to achieve the strategic objectives to make Dubai one of the safest cities, which includes defining requirements and informing strategic partners who support the application of the most advanced technologies in order to make the future safer and more sustainable. His Excellency stated, "Dubai Civil Defense aspires, through the implementation and the application of the new requirements, to enhance and raise the level of safety in the Emirate of Dubai, in addition to continuing to provide competitive prices to manufacturers and project owners in order to ensure the provision of the best international quality services in the field of building and construction."
During the banquet, the most important new rules, terms, and conditions that were recently updated to ensure the supply of high-quality products to sustain the construction process were introduced. Products with new requirements include: fire-resistant doors, cladding materials and facade systems, roofing systems, fire-resistant air duct systems and systems or pre-insulated, and fire-resistant cables. In light of recent technological advancements in wireless detection and alarm systems, Dubai Civil Defense has made provisions for the installation of detection and alarm systems in all villas constructed prior to the implementation of the current regulations.
In this regard, the updates and services to be provided by the Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) were also announced, which include testing and approval of cladding materials and facade systems for Dubai projects to ensure to ensure sustainable quality of roof systems, prior to their submission to the Dubai Civil Defense for product registration.
As for the manufacturers who have obtained an accreditation certificate from another certification body accredited in the UAE, they will be able to submit their tests and certificates for assessment by the Emirates Laboratory for Safety (ESL) in order to be certified and obtain a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued by the Emirates Laboratory for Safety ESL.
For building projects in Dubai, all fire-resistant doors, fire-resistant air ducts and systems, or pre-insulated must be evaluated at the Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) and authorized by an official certifying authority in the UAE. The Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) will provide a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) for these items, which you will need to submit to Dubai Civil Defense for product registration.
As for wireless detection and alarm systems for private and commercial properties in Dubai must be evaluated and authorized by the Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) before being submitted for product registration to Dubai Civil Defense. As part of the certification procedure, the Emirates Safety Laboratory (ESL) will undertake a feasibility evaluation and issue a UAE Certificate of Conformity (COC) for wireless detection and alarm systems to manufacturers that have existing test evidence in other UAE approved laboratories.
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