DCD colour
Colour blind
Green weakness
Red weakness
Under the sponsorship and presence of His Excellency Brig. Jamal Bin Aaded Al Muheiri, Acting Director-General of Dubai Civil Defense, Public Health Section (PHS) at Civil Protection Department has launched an awareness campaign for early detection of breast cancer, for DCD’S female workers at GHQ, which aims to raise the level of awareness about the importance of early screening of breast cancer, and ways of prevention and treatment and risky factors causing it, as breast cancer is considered the most common spreading cancer type, and one of the main death causes among other types of cancers.
The launched campaign was conducted in association with Al Tawadawi Medical Center (TMC), DCD’S strategic partner, whose medical staff has brought all the necessary screening devices to DCD’S HQ premises, fast checking, medical advice, and instruction was carried out by a specialized doctor from the center. CPT department cadres have distributed awareness brochures among the participants.
Gifts, awareness pamphlets, and promotion coupons were also distributed by Al Tadawai Medical Center among participants of the campaign.
Al Muheiri stressed that these types of campaigns come under the framework of DCD’S strategy and its keenness to deliver the best services to its employees, in a way that assures happiness for them and their families.
He also praised the efforts of TMC in supporting DCD’S health and awareness campaigns, since the Center is considered as multi-specialty services deliver outlet, which aims to provide community members with the necessary health care needs.
Ist. Lt. Eisa Al Mutawaa, Director of Department of Monitoring and Inspection, and Lady Zeinah Hashem Al Hadidi, head of Public Health Section have attended the campaign also.
Excellency Jamal Bin Aadid Al Muheiri, Acting Director-General of Dubai Civil Defense Department and Mr. Nashat Ismail Abdulrahman Al Badawna, Executive Director of Health, Safety and Security Sector at Etihad Rails a memorandum of understanding between DCD and Etihad Rails Abu Dhabi.
Signed MOU aims at fostering cooperation and coordination between the two parties, regarding the provision of safety services to Federal Etihad Rails Network, through creating a joint programs, that can identify suitable safety procedures and precautionary measures which are required to protect goods, passengers and all other users of the Rails network, from fire incidents risks within DCD’S areas of jurisdiction in the emirate of Dubai.
According the MOU, DCD, being the entity responsible for handling and responding to fire incidents across Dubai emirate, will set the preventive safety rules and measures needed to protect lives and properties, which should come in line with UAE Fire and Life safety Code of Practice, and best international practices known in the field.
Brig. ALMuheiri, stressed that signing of this MOU with Etihad Rails comes as part of DCD’S strategy and its keenness to cooperate and achieve best levels of strategic partnership in all Rails network relevant issues, supporting this pioneering partnership, delivering best emergency services to the network, and to work hard with other strategic partners and stakeholders to prevent risks that threatening the safety of network and its users.
For his part, Mr. Al Badawnah has indicated that signing an MOU with DCD comes within Etihad Rails company’s top priorities to ensure protection, and public safety and security of the national network. He also expressed his happiness to have DCD as strategic partner, particularly in the field of experience exchange and knowledge impart, to make sure preventive safety, training, awareness and specialized services are delivered to Rail network workers and users to ensure highest safety levels are achieved.
Officers in attendance comprised Brig. Rashid Khalifa AlFalasi, assist. Director General for Smart Services, Col. Mattran Khalil Al Mazin, acting assist. Director General for Fire and Rescue, Major Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Al Shengiti, Director of Government Communication department, while Etihad rails was represented by Mr. Suleiman Al Hammadi, Corporate Excellence Department Director and Mr. Abdullah Saeed Al Hajiri, Government Relations Specialist.
At the end of MOU signing ceremony, both parties exchanged the commutative gifts.
Etihad Rails in Brief:
Etihad Rails Company was established in June 2009, pursuant to Federal decree no 2, with the aim to develop and operate rail ways network for transportation of passengers and goods of UAE, main residential and industrial centers in UAE will be connected, which will constitute a major part of the rail ways network planned to be established to connect Gulf Council Countries.
Phase 1 (estimated at 264 km) was successfully accomplished, operated and commissioned as per specified budget and scheduled period.
The second phase will connect UAE and KSA, via Ghuweifat, as well as the UAE different emirates with each other. Moreover, will connect Khalifah Industrial City (KIZAD), with the ports of Khalifah, Jebel Ali and Fujairah at the eastern Coast.
Under the auspicious and participation of His Excellency Brig. Jamal Bin Aaded Al Muheiri, Acting Director-General of Dubai Civil Defence, and in the presence of H.E. Brig. Rashid Khalifah Al Buflasa, assist. Director-General for Smart Services, Col. Expert Ibrahim Abdulrahman Saif, Director of Al Qusais fire station, Captain Hamadan Al Suweidi, Director of Civil Protection Department, Captain Talal Eisa Ahmed Al Ali, deputy director of Al Qusais fire station, 1st.Lt. Isa Ahmed Al Mutawaa, Director of Monitoring and Inspection department and a number of officers, warrant officers and civil employees, the Public Health Section at Civil Protection Department has launched in association with the Ministry of Health, Prevention, and Dubai Health Authority a campaign to vaccinate employees against Seasonal Flu.
The launched campaign comes within the framework of DCD’S efforts showcased in cooperation with strategic partners to prevent the spreading of Seasonal Flu amongst personnel, particularly most vulnerable categories, as it targeted the first line heroes of firefighters, along with all other workers and employees.
Brig. Jamal stressed that Dubai Civil Defence is always keen, at the beginning of seasonal Flu every year, to raise preventive awareness level among employees, by organizing different awareness activities and campaigns, which help to maintain their protection and safety, to ensure their ongoing preparedness and readiness protect lives and properties.
He also praised the efforts of the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP), which aim to enhance the strong ties with Dubai Civil Defence, to work together as strategic partners, to achieve the directive of the wise leadership set to serve the nation.
For her part, Dr. Laila Al Jasmi, Head of Vaccination Section at Ministry of Health and Prevention, has indicated that this campaign comes in line with Ministry’s strategic objectives aiming to provide SFV, which constitutes a challenge to health systems across the world, which lead to additional health, social and economic burden, that requires joining hands to monitor the epidemic and fighting the infection, providing necessary preventive measures to raise community’s member's awareness, ensuring their prevention, especially first-line defense workers.
Brig. Jamal awarded Dr. Laila AL Jasmi, a commemorative gift, and expressed his sincere thanks to the Ministry of Health for their fruitful efforts.
Col. Mattran Khalil ALMzain, DCD’S Operations Department Director Proclaimed:
{{Statistics is Corner Stone of DCD’S Strategic Planning to Ensure Competitiveness Pioneering and Performance Excellence Achievement}}
Dubai Civil Defence Department celebrates Statistics World Day, as nature all of its carried out activities are based directly on reliable statistical data, which timely provided to decision-makers, and which reflect the variables and indicators of the real progress of its operations and services, showing the actual improvement opportunities that bring about customer’s happiness, improving life quality needs since statistics are deemed an inevitable source to ensure correct decisions and effective actions are taken during strategic planning and at times of emergency, crisis, and disasters, where crucial decisions are supposed to be taken.
The Dataset, which relates to population, and infrastructure irrespective of their sectors and fields, provided by (Dubai Statistics Center) throw (Statistical Map), forms an essential source of the developmental planning sources, adopted by DCD, and a crucial factor to achieving its developmental strategic goals, operational plans, and sustainable programs.
DCD depends, in all of its main and supportive operations, on digital statistical data, that relate to the achievement of standard response time, and how it could be minimized, risks analyzing at different sites and buildings, size of human force required form incidents management, population culture divergence to meet the awareness purposes, building classification, readiness and the level of safety measure available to maintain their protection, and how time is perfectly managed during normal and emergency times, as ( fast response) is a considered an indicator and a criteria to measure emergency services best practices success.
Karamah fire station organizes in association with Latifah hospital a campaign for blood donation, branded “My blood devotes to my Country”, with the aim to spread awareness and health education about the importance of blood donation.
Event activities include awareness and educational lecture that reflects the major role donors play in saving lives of others, avoiding various diseases, minimizing oxidization factors and inflammation triggers, potential heart attacks, blood replenishment, and maintaining liver safety.
Major Saeed Mohammed Al Marzoui, fire station’s director, stressed that the initiative symbolizes DCD’S role and its humanitarian mission in serving all members of the society, through performing its main responsibilities and community initiatives, interaction with all strategic partners from the public and private entities, to achieve the directives of the wise leadership set to serve the nation.
He indicated that initiatives adopted by DCD enhancing community responsibility, bounty, and volunteer spirit amongst the employees, went on saying (a blood donation is a humanitarian act that helps to save the lives of thousands of needy patients, also plays a major role in fostering public health as well as contributing in fostering ties of the collaborative society.
For Enhancing Fire safety and Protection Indicators
Al Matrooshi, Al Hai Ink MOU between DCD and Dubai Airports
Excellency Maj.Gen.Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence, and Excellency Jamal Al Hai, Deputy CEO- Dubai Airports, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), for cooperation in specialized areas between DCD and Dubai Airports Company.
This comes under the framework of strategic cooperation and exchanging professional, technological, and technical experiences between Dubai Government entities, in such a way that operating systems efficiency and effectiveness and excellence is enhanced Government performance indicators sustainability is achieved, also contribute to delivering the best services to public customers and making them happy, according to latest global standards.
DCD will provide Dubai Airports with all sophisticated types and activities of training, to ensure development sustainability, keeping path with airports risks safety indicators, and utilizing its operational capabilities and vast experiences in fire safety and protection, in accordance with the latest and best global systems and metrologies, to reduce potential risks at Dubai airports.
Al Matrooshi stressed that MOU reflects Dubai Government entities keenness, to instilling the directive of wise leadership, aiming at placing development on top of the priorities and all Government activities centered on the community sector’s safety and prosperity, which we endeavor to translate through strategic planning and cooperation into reality, confirming MOU enhances efficiency testing and procedures understanding to achieve highest response levels of fire and rescue services and fire safety and protection.
He indicated that efforts are set to utilize DCD’S professional competencies, successful practical experiences, and excellent capabilities to support the development of the aviation sector, achieving the highest degree of incident safety and protection, confirming the sustainability of the cooperation between the two parties, in a number of joint work axes such as evacuation drills periodically held at different facilities, buildings and aircraft, issuing airport’s building and facilities completion certificates. Due to the implementation of the best practices of international safety precautionary measures, was ranked top in all global excellence and quality indicators in various areas of specialties.
He also added MOU’s articles indicated that DCD would provide logistic support during emergencies, conducting training programs to achieve the best innovative initiatives, operational support for the maintenance of fire and rescue appliances, also conducting periodical risk assessment visits, confirming that DCD work untiringly to achieve its vision, objectives and main tasks in protecting lives and properties, enhancing positivity and happiness rates across different social sectors.
For his part, Excellency Al Hai, the Deputy CEO, said, “We are glad to get this MOU with DCD signed, for its various positive implications on raising Dubai Airports Fire Department personnel, fostering risks response criteria and fire suppression in accordance to international standards”.
MOU was signed in the presence of Brig. Jamal Bin Aadid Al Muheiri, assist. Director-General for Resources and Supportive Services, Brig. Rashid Khalifa Al Falasi, assist. Director-General for Smart Services, Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs and Major Dr. Ahmed Yusuf Al Shengiti, Director of Government Communication Department.
Dubai Airports was represented by Mr. Majid AL Joker, Deputy CEO for Corporate Affairs, Mr. Jamal Zaal, Deputy CEO for Safety and Sustainability, and Mrs. Muna Al Abdouli, Deputy Senior Corporate Security.
Excellency Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, assist. Director-General for Fire and rescue Affairs, at Dubai Civil Defense, has crowned the winners who were placed on the pinnacle of the championship branded “Fire Stations Champion Challenge Tournament 2020”, organized by “Fitness Section” at Fire Stations Department, and was held in “Dubai Frame”, for fire personnel from 22 fire stations across the emirate of Dubai.
Winners honored include 1st Corporal Omer Mohammed Al Hammadi, from Dubai Industrial Fire Station, who was placed first, Sergeant Abdullah Al Shamsi, from Support and Backup Center who has secured the second place, and 1St Corporal Ibrahim Mohammed Al Hammadi, from Marine Fire and Rescue Station, who comes in the third place. The tournament organized by Fitness Section involved 212 officers and Warrant Officers as participants.
Al Mutawaa praised the high levels demonstrated by fire and rescue men during the championship, which reflect the positive impact of the training they received and courses attended, to enhance the capabilities, skills, and physical fitness, which represent the main pillars to perform their duties of lives and properties protection.
At the same time, he also praised the department and its affiliated Fitness Section for their valued efforts exerted in organizing competitiveness championships, which practically achieved their set goals and confirmed training readiness and sustainability. Brig. Expert Ali honored as well as Dubai Frame management in recognition of the cooperation and enhancing fraternity ties spirit.
Among the attendees were Col. Abdulrahman Ba Alshalat, Director of Mizher Fore Station, Col. Expert Rashid Hussein Al Sumaitie Director of Quoz Fire Station, Major Ali Mohammed Al Falasi, Director of Fire Stations department, and Captain Khalid Mohammed Al loghani deputy director Dubai South Fire Station.
Excellency Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, at Dubai Civil Defence Headquarters, inspected as part of the efficiency program, Shifts Leaders training course electronic tests process, which was held at Emirates Civil Defence Academy.
The held course focuses on incidents management theories and methodologies, as per highest professional levels, different tactics to control and command all types of fire incidents; it also reflects the continuation of basic and advanced specialized training and programs of fire, rescue sciences to developing, and enhance skills by using group activities, self-assessment exercises, and latest artificial intelligence, in order to implement best practices when participating in incident command and firefighting suppression in accordance to excellent performance indicators and standards.
Worth to mention is that the “Efficiency Program”, first of its kind, aims to prepare shifts leaders for incidents commanding, as it includes performance indicators to assess the field and technical works at personal and group levels, ensuring work continuation in a perfect and professional way and covering all updates and developments, in the different fields of fire and rescue operations, and giving each firefighter a card that will be approved t in four stages, and linked to employee annual evaluation.
He confirmed that improving and raising human cadre skills and efficiency comes on DCD’S top priorities, through holding scientific training courses, which help to increase the knowledge and keeping path with the huge quantum leaps seen in the field of different sciences, in order to achieve professional excellence that associates with academic quality, which ultimately would lead to accomplishing DCD’S vision and message of protecting lives and properties.
Al Mutawaa also indicated that the fire and rescue sector works seamlessly to achieve elements training sustainability, in line with the framework of the keenness to achieve set goals, as compared to their big role to play in fire suppression, and mitigation of its aftermath, by building the required capabilities necessary to face anticipated challenges.
The inspection was carried out in the presence of Major Ali Mohammed Al Falasi, Director of Fire Stations Department, 1st Lt. Matter Mohammed Bin Ghdaier, head of the training unit, and Lt. Khalid Rashid Al Shehee.
Under the auspicious of H.E. Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence, and in continuation of Dubai Civil Defence World First Aid Day’s celebration, in which all specialized organizations, health authorities, and community members across the countries are invited to acquire first aid and rescue skills.
Public health Section, at Civil Protection Department, has distributed First Aid Kits to the directors of departments and centers officers, other officers, and warrant officers at various ire and rescue centers, in recognition of their valued efforts demonstrated within specialty field, as they rush untiringly to incident scene to rescue victims and trapped persons in different incidents and at times of emergency, and positively dealing with various cases before transfer to concerned entities.
Department’s director Captain Hamadan Hamed Al Suweidi praised the sponsorship of the Director-General Al Matrooshi extended to different events and activities, which reflect DCD’S institutional and societal role.
He stressed also, celebrating this Day reflects what extend we are concern with the importance of making personnel and community members learning the basics of First Aid science, and to ensure its proper implementation by them, as deemed necessary for rescuing and supporting the victims prior to the arrival of concerned squads, adding concerned entities in cooperation with a strategic partner of emergency services providers are dedicated to spreading First Aid culture and skills through their social activities.
Head of Strategic Partnership Section (SPS), at Dubai Civil Defence (DCD),1st Lt. Hamad Thani Ali, received at his office, Lady Eiman Mohammed, Director of Aoun Foundation, and Lady Aisha Al Suweidi, in the presence of Lady Sara Ahmed Al Ahmadi, head of Corporate Communication Section.
Both Parties discussed aspects of cooperation and ideas that contribute to fostering happiness values and interaction with all positive initiatives, stressing the support role shown to first-line heroes of DCD, in recognition of their valued sacrifice in responding to Coronavirus- COVID19- Pandemic.
Lady Eiman stress that, Aoun Foundation is giving special discount offers Card, services, and facilitation to DCD’D staff family members in recognition and appreciation of their parents’ efforts exerted during battling the COVID19 pandemic, including preventive measures are taken and disinfection operations carried out, in association with other teams across the nation, and which have helped to ensure achieving community safety.
For his part, Thani praised Aoun Foundation pioneering initiative; aims to honor DCD’S first line heroes and their families, stressing such type of positive initiatives to enhance community consolidation, and inspire community partnership to reach higher horizons.
He added Aoun Foundation highlighted a huge appreciation to the role played by the first Defence line, by raising its lovely initiative, also comes to admit their ongoing efforts to ensure the protection of UAE's different classes, besides it also instilling continuous support to backup first line heroes through meaningful initiatives.
Commemoratives gifts and shields were exchanged between the two bodies at the end of the visit.
His Excellency Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, at Dubai Civil Defence, participated in the second phase of the “Fire Stations’ Champion Challenge” competition, organized by the physical fitness section at Fire Stations Department, involving fire and rescue men from the 22 fire stations, participants including also Major Ali Mohammed Al Falasi, Director of Fire Stations Department and 212 officers and warrant officers.
The purpose of the competition is to maintain DCD’S personnel physical fitness high at all times, which contributes positively to their readiness and enhances their fitness, to carry out duties, equipped in full with fire suits and breathing apparatuses more efficiently and effectively.
He indicated that the championship contributes in distinguishing firemen in terms of body fitness and athlete aspect in general, stressing the first phase, witnessed tough competitions across all centers, where the top winner was selected from each center, to participate in the current activities running at Deira, Bur Dubai and Jebel Ali sectors levels, to select 3 candidates who are qualifying to participate in the next phase, in which winner will be termed as champion.
He added, it also represents a true platform to test the capabilities of fire and rescue men, to refine their skills, in order to overcome potential challenges they face while performing risky tasks of protecting lives and properties.
Excellency Brig. Jamal Bin Aaded Al Muheiri, assist. Director-General for Resources and Support Services, at Dubai Civil Defence, chaired the Promotions Committee meeting, where the main business agenda scheduled were discussed.
The purpose of the convened meeting is to study, review, and legally verify lists deserve promotions in 2020, before raising for approval from Director-General.
The committee is tasked to document, organize, and verify data of deserve promotions, meet the set required conditions, and implementing relevant rules and regulations, providing development suggestions necessary to swift the procedures.
The meeting was held in the presence of Major Dr. Abdulrahman AlBloushi, Director of Financial Affairs Department, Lady Afaf Jassum Al Muheiri, Director of Strategy and Future Department, Director of Human Resources Department, and Captin Abubaker Habib, Head of Legal Affairs Section.
Excellency Brig. Jamal Bin Aaded Al Muheiri, assist. Director-General for Resources and Supportive Services at Dubai Civil Defence General Department held a broad-based meeting encompass Deputy Directors of Fire Stations and Shifts Leaders, convened meeting aim was to discuss Dubai Government Employees Happiness Indicators Results (DGEHIR) 2019.
Bin Aaded confirmed, in the inauguration of the meeting, DCD’S commitment to implement the directives of the wise leadership, instilling happiness and prosperity values amongst Dubai Government employees, stressing to all that, this meeting reflects a special forum of Happiness and positivity that set to address improvement opportunities, create innovative ideas and initiatives by all categories collectively, in order to foster the spirit of happiness and prosperity, converting working environment into a more attractive and productive environment.
He also listened to the Officer’s ideas and the positive initiatives they raised, which harmonized with DCD’S steps taken in accordance with the directives of its Director-General Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Al Matrooshi, regarding engagement of all potential administrative and physical capabilities to make different categories happy, enhancing the bonds of cooperation and confidence, and embedding positive aspects of working relations that improve happiness indicators.
Bin Aaded emphasized that DCD works tirelessly to employ plans and strategic goals to integrate with internal and external development initiatives and programs to ensure achieving its employee’s happiness, being the most important factor of a successful working environment, and contributes in enhancing it, so it will be reflected in the ways employees serve customers.
He indicates that DCD has formed happiness teams, which work to innovate and adopt the ideas that can be embedding the values of happiness amongst employees, conduct opinion polls, and carrying out electronic questionnaire studies, which give results instantly, to allow revision and proposing suitable solutions and addressing improvement opportunities, to assure performance development and efforts acceleration to keep pace with the requirements set by our wise leadership to ensure excellence and achievements sustainability.
The meeting was held in the presence of Director of Human Resources Department, and Captain Abdulrahman Ahali, HR Deputy Director.
H.E. Maj. Gen. Expert Rashid Thani Rashid Al Matrooshi, Director General of Dubai Civil Defence, visited Sand Storm Automobiles Factory, where he was received by Factory’s General Manager Dr. Majada Al Azaazi, the visit comes in line with the framework of cooperation and exchanging expertise in the fields of specialty.
Al Matrooshi reviewed the production lines and different types of cars manufactured in the factory, in accordance with international standards, experiences and tests carried out.
He was also briefed on the role the factory plays in promoting the local industries sector, other issues discussed during the visit include ways of enhancing mutual cooperation between the two entities, and how both bodies can employ their respective experiences in delivering more advanced services to customers.
Al Matrooshi emphasized that the factory symbolizes national industries development, and reflects the sincere determination to keep pace with global standards to delivering the national products in a bright image that truly depicts quality assurance, excellence and care observed in the country, instilling the directives of the wise leadership to assure sustainable development, international pioneering and maintaining occupying excellence index tops in the different fields.
Gen. Al Matrooshi was accompanied during his visit by Brig. Rashid Khalifah Al Falasi, assist. Director-General for Smart Services, Brig. Expert Ali Hassan Al Mutawaa, assist. Director-General for Fire and Rescue Affairs, Col. Suleiman Abdulla Karim Al Bloushi, Director of Technical Affairs, Major Mohammed Bu Farousha Al Falasi, Director of Director General Office and head of Technical Specifications Committee.
Sand Storm Automobiles Factory was represented by Mr. Gim Jamal, CEO Operations, and Mr. Karim Salah, Business Development Director.
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